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Height Adjustable Tables

I was invited to look around a hospital at the laboratory used to sterilize instruments after operations. In highly sterile conditions people work continuously sorting the instruments into kits and packing them away into trolleys to be distributed around the hospital. The kits were very heavey when assembled and the hospital was looking for me to make them an ergonomic workstation for the operatives that would help minimise awkward lifting, would offer customisation, and be adaptable to the workforce, and conform to the standards of hygiene.


The solution was a 316 grade stainless steel height adjustable table

- The table can vary in height from 780mm to 1280mm

- The table can operate even under considerable weight loads

- A programable control could be used to preset up to 5 custom heights.

- The table on castors is mobile and the electronic parts are encased to aid       cleaning the unit.

- Various accessories were designed to fit the table including over shelves, back stands that could hold hook on containers, and charts that would fastern to the sides of the table top.


The success of the table led to the development of an adjustable height sink.

We had to use a flexible waste and plumbing to account for the fact the sink moves up and down, but this is especially good for users who cannot bend down to reach into a sink or who spend prolonged periods washing up.

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